Anyone who’s done some kind of Scrum reading or training classes will have had some exposure to the release planning techniques and ideas involved. There is plenty of information, ideas and opinions out there about that stuff, in particular how to organize your releases around themes, epics and stories, how to prioritize your backlog and how to run a release planning meeting. I, however, have been thinking a bit about things one level up from the mechanics, and here wish to discuss some of my opinions and ideas on how a business should look at managing releases. In particular I’m interested in how to balance responsiveness to changing needs and predictability on longer term commitments. I’m also interested in simplicity and optimizing the way product development works. Agile software developments offer the promise of delivering high value sooner, of responding to changing needs. But in order to deliver on this promise it is my belief that certain preexisting attitudes and tendencies that are ingrained in many of us need to be reconsidered.
In scrum, at the end of any sprint the software should be “potentially releasable.” Usually we choose not to do that though because:
- There isn’t enough value to justify the “cost” (deployment, distribution, training etc.) of releasing
- Customers (users too!) aren’t necessarily best pleased to have their software in a seemingly constant state of flux.
Ken Schwaber’s Scrum guide, in describing release planning meetings says nothing more than that they establish a “probable delivery date and cost that should hold if nothing changes.” He doesn’t seem to be advocating anything different.
But is this optimal? Are there potentially better alternatives? I think so. Here’s how I think it should be done and why.
In a nutshell I think we should take a leaf out of the finance and accounting book and use a year chopped up into quarters (i.e. 3 month long chunks) for planning and release purposes. In other words:
- I wouldn’t much bother trying to look further than a year ahead
- I would [try and] release every quarter (maybe sometimes you can skip, although I think if you have your deployment act together this is unlikely)
- I would encourage the business to plan things around this quarterly release schedule…that is to think of things in terms of “I’d like this in the 1st quarter release” or “I can wait until the 3rd quarter release,” not “I want this in October.”
Also fairly easy to swallow I think is the notion of thinking in 3 month chunks. Three months is around 12 weeks, or 6 two-week sprints. It’s long enough to get something of substance and value done, but a short enough time-horizon to keep everyone focused and avoid the risk of over-committing badly. It’s also probably not too long to wait for a new feature. Of course unexpected needs and critical defects occur, and interim or maintenance releases are always possible, particularly when using Scrum, since we’re potentially shippable at the end of a sprint.
But this notion of rigidly sticking to a plan of releasing every three months…I know that is a little different and needs explaining. Well, for starters it provides a nicely time-boxed predictability. There aren’t so many surprises. There isn’t the need to frequently revisit and negotiate the question of when releases will occur – everybody knows, it’s once a quarter.
This predictability is not just comforting and simple, it provides other benefits too. For starters it makes it easy to handle certain common situations. Let’s consider four:
1. The madly urgent problem/bug in productionFinally, ultimately, it encourages better planning and discipline on the business as a whole, from sales through to professional services and product development. I believe this leads to a better run business, better thinking, less burn out, and people selecting the right opportunities to pursue. I cannot see how that is a bad thing :-)
Everyone is familiar with this situation. One moment everything is calm and ticking over nicely, the next minute chaos abounds: a bug without workaround has been found, or a really important customer has to have something and only just thought to ask.
Either way, within our proposed framework dealing with this is straightforward. There are really only two choices. The first question to ask is, “Can this wait until the next sprint?” The answer is going to depend on how truly urgent the matter is, and how long it is until the next sprint begins. With two week long sprints it’s never far away. Few problems require more immediate attention. For those that do, the team would simply abandon the current sprint and focus on the urgent issue at hand.
2. The unexpected feature
When planning for a new three month release cycle you usually have a fairly good idea of what you want to get done in a timeframe that short. Nonetheless, there are a number of very good reasons why a feature that nobody was aware of then can suddenly emerge and need attention.
This is not really a problem though when using Scrum. The Product Owner (and by extension stakeholders and other interested parties) are able to completely change the priority ordering of the product backlog every two weeks. Simply bump the new feature up to the top and it can get all the attention it needs at the next sprint. This means that, worst case, the business waits two weeks for things to start on something that was previously completely unplanned.
3. The client driven enhancement
Somewhere between the unexpected feature and pure market driving planning lies the customer driven enhancement. The distinction here is that one has the capacity to pick and choose whether to bump out current plans and place it into the release cycle that’s in progress or negotiate as needed to place it in the next.
4. The market driven plan
Above the cut and thrust of weekly operational driven needs and urgent customer requests is the longer term approach to product development. This is simply identifying desirable features based on market trends and selecting appropriate release cycles to implement them in up to a year ahead.
You see how with all of those there’s an established pattern and we work to fit things in? This reduces or even eliminates the need to frequently invest energy into discussing and negotiating with colleagues outside the Scrum team (IT, domain experts, business development, professional services etc.) over when a release will occur. The schedule is published and everyone can consult it and even, with time, comes to anticipate it. Things will happen without energy needed to push or chase it: IT can grow to anticipate doing deployments for example. Business development can talk confidently about the likely lead time for including new features to service particular customer needs.
For me, this approach to managing the release cycles for a software product intuitively makes sense. The combination of simplicity, predictability and responsiveness that can be achieved is highly desirable and a worthwhile reason to move away from the more traditional approach to variable length release cycles driven by external events. What do you think?
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